Back in California

Spring officially started March 21st, two days before Easter. Being back in California makes you realize how cold Michigan really is. Even though I enthusiastically packed only summer clothing for San Diego and I realized it was a little too early for the 80s and was 'bit' cold.  Even if it is cold, it is really wonderful to see trees blossoming and flowers blooming.  As they say in the islands 'soon come mon'.

The American professional fundraisers speech went very well thanks to my lovely assistant Diane who introduced me.  We went for a treat after ... and both got complemented by a fellow customer at the pedicure place. Later that day we caught up with  Yvonne Sterns - man, she has a nice place!   Today, in the Bay Area - I met with some girls from the Stanford Sailing Team and Coach Jay.  Not wanting to miss a work out .... I made do - and  worked out with 2 bottles of tonic on the way back from the grocery store. It's all public transport for me this week. Looking forward to another lovely day tomorrow.