East Coast Springtime Sailing
The weather this week has been cold on the East Coast but while it doesn’t feel like summer, the sailing season is actually starting to heat things up. I am absolutely no expert in the financial world, (truth be told I have barely ever owned stock) but I do feel like I have a good feeling for the mood of the marine industry. From talking to friends in the business, it seems that people have waited in a bit of a ‘lock down’ mode over this past winter but having survived, the boats are starting to be put in the water and summer programs are being planned. Another piece of anecdotal information is that my coaching and sailing services are being booked and slowly but surely my schedule is filling up. While I sincerely hope that people feel my services invaluable ☺, I fully recognize that they are a ‘elective’ purchase item – kind of like hair color in a recession. So I can only deduce that things are looking up… and let’s face it, we all are happier when on the water so even if the economy doesn’t react to a warm breeze and sunshine, we can!