Happy Easter...
...from Spain – FYI – it is at LEAST a 5-day holiday over here – Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday AND Easter Monday. And just for fun most people tend to leave work a little early on Wednesday. Because we are an America’s Cup team, we only took Saturday and Sunday off but it was a big deal for us to have 2 days off!
Saturday I went to the ATP Tennis semi finals, continuing my run of up close and persaonal Tennis. This time, our team Doctor 'Nacho' was the offical tournament doctor so not only did he get me in and sitting with all of the coaches but he bought me a great lunch.
Saturday was also a ‘prep day’ for me as I had a bunch of ‘orphan’s’ over for Easter Lunch. It was long, slow, casual and very enjoyable. It started around 2 and finished around 8pm. Menu: Veggies and Dill Dip, Artichokes, Pistachios, plenty of beer and a nice summer rose, Marinated and BBQed Rack of Lamb, Scalloped Potatoes, Herbed Potatoes and Pumpkin, Grilled Asparagus, Spinach and Strawberry Salad. Desert of: Brownies and Tiramisu. Spring Sunshine and friends –- as Martha would say: “it’s a good thing”.
By the way - here is my 'guest room' - friends always welcome.