Hillary - Club 44

Yesterday Dana and I and 13,998 other people were in Oakland for a Rally for Hillary Clinton. It was amazing to see the diversity of the crowd - men and women and children of all descents were there and excited!

The funny moment was when Hillary thanked "Governor Gavin Newsom" - The crowd laughed and she recovered beautifully.... "I am just saying what Gavin told me to say" :-) I am SURE he loved the temporary promotion.

Overall she was solid, smart and funny with some good shots across the bow of the current administration but always done in a classy - witty way. As in when I am president we will have no more "Cowboy Diplomacy” and "It is really hard to lead if no one is following".

She also pointed out that when she is talking g to areas of the country who are not doing everything possible to save energy and recycle and drive hybrid cars they say that what she is asking is impossible... and she tells them about 'a place where they use 50% less resources than anywhere else in America"... a place called California.

This is all off the top of my head so the " " are not exact but the sincerity of my support is. If anyone else would like to support Hillary - even with a $15 donation....

https://contribute.hillaryclinton.com/hillaryland.html (cut and paste into your browser)
Select my name as ‘who sent you’ - THANK YOU!