House Progress

It might not seem like huge progress to anyone driving by but.... on the 4th of July I dug a 10' long, 5 1/2 foot deep, 2 foot wide trench so that we could put in the proper sized copper pipe from the city hookup to the house.

Today the plumber put in the stand pipe for the water and for the sewer.  The soil engineer gave the go ahead to add in the missing footings and Thursday the 9th I hope the city will give me final approval to place the house where the old house was.

Side of house facing me

I had a major win two weeks ago when I went before the Building Appeals Board and got approval to NOT build a brick house on this really ecclectic and cute street.  They not only approved only a 4' brick band on the non street sides but stipulated that I could not put more than 4' of brick on the front.  They said that it woudl look much better this way.  I completely agree!

Street side which now will only have brick up 4' and blue the rest of the bottom half

So while I am off and on the road the foundation should be poured and the framing should have started when I get back from Newport and I hope to be able to swing a hammer with the 'boys on the crew' ... construction crew that is.


Other side and water side - two french doors onto a balcony and big slider from the living