Newport and Providence

The fundraising brunch at Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's was successful. There were about 350 people in his house and I had fun meeting a lot of new people and quite a few of the large fundraisers but the most impressive things for me was how calm, confident and strong Hillary was. Her schedule must just be a killer and yet it didn't show. The general feeling was that the tide is turning. Thank you to everyone who came to the fundraiser and donated and who is voting for Hillary.

(these are only the proofs of the photo - will upload the real ones when they arrive)

Kimberly Skeen Jones and I drove up from Newport for the event and those of you who know Kimberly will understand, it make the brunch even more lively! The night before I made the rounds on Banister's Warf with good friends and Sunday night I spent the night at Tim and Kim Woodhouse's and had a really great dinner and fun conversation and maybe one too many of the 'new drinks'.

Overall a very fun and dynamic weekend.