Song for Today

I usually don't comment too much on the racing because there is so much out there already on the internet but here is my update for today - on racing.

It is the reserve day for Act 13 - the last 'pre regatta' and we have not sailed three scheduled races over the past week due to no wind so we are sailing today. The Race Committee would like to get in two races so the total for the series will be 7. The weather is rainy and very changeable - at this time unsailable winds. We have had a 'shocker' of a regatta. Some bad luck and some bad decisions. Today we HOPE to be able to turn this around. We NEED the wind to cooperate so we can get these two races in.

Not much to do about that but we are trying. Yesterday I hid a clove of garlic on the boat to get rid of the bad luck. This morning Denise the chef gave the guys a whole handful of coins to throw to Neptune. Also we play a different song every morning.... today's: Crowded House... 'The time has come... to pay the rent'.... Yes it has!

And if you are reading this right now - you are welcome to cross your fingers.