The Vallejo Race...
Last weekend was the 1st time I have raced the infamous Vallejo Race in San Francisco. It is an 'interesting' concept. You start on Saturday morning and race downwind about 27 miles up the delta to Vallejo. Most of the boats are in by 4pm and there is a BBQ under tents set up in the parking lot and about 5 different bar areas as well as a band for dancing.
The tricky part is that the band doesn't start until 9pm so sailors do what sailors will do.. stand around and buy each other drinks. That is dangerous ;-). The next day the race is back to San Francisco UPWIND and this year it was very windy!
I was coaching on a Beneteau 35s5 named Reality Checque. I usually don't race and coach at the same time but this time that was the way the scheduling worked out and it was for a good cause. I donated a coaching session to the South Beach Yacht Club Junior/Community sailing program. Kevin and Lori 'won' the package. They organized the crew which included three kids for extra weight on the way back. The kids hung tough on the rail even while being soaked with waves on a regular basis. Arne from the Heineken Regatta was a part of the team as well.