Your Passion Organized
Last week I was in New York at the Annual Dinner for the Women’s Sports Foundation. After attending over 15 dinners, I know one thing, they are all different and they are all inspirational. This year I’d have to say what I will remember is that I was able to hang out with a group of ‘extreme’ athletes who have transitioned from being the ‘new young thing’ to thoughtful sincere mature athletes ready to contribute and give back to their sports and women in sports overall. Don’t get me wrong, when I say mature, they were all under 30 and half were under 21 but it was very cool to be able to hang out with them and very nice to get to know them. It was also a special evening because I was able to talk for quite a while with a hero of mine, Cokie Roberts absolutely fascinating.
This week has been spent in Houston Texas at the US SAILING meetings. Not quite the same energy as the Women’s Sports Foundation and it has left me wondering. How do we re-energize the organization? I do know that I have ALWAYS believed that you can’t complain unless you participate. That is still true but I think we still have some more work to do before we pull more energetic passionate people in. Kind of funny since the ‘slogan’ is ‘Your Passion Organized’. Gary Jobson being named president (tonight) will help but right here – right now – if any of you sailors out there have opinions please get a hold of me. 415 760 7642 or