Two Parties

The SCS Dems picnic and my housewarming party were both very succesful and both had about 80 people show up.  That means that I catered for 160 people over the past couple of days.

The housewarming had different groups work their way through from 6pm (where we had the 1st guest Dorothy help with the final set up) until 3:30am.  Of course I went to bed at 2;45 and told everyone that they were welcome to pull out either of the couches to sleep on but I was 'done'!

Cousin Brian and Dana who have been keeping their boat outside of my house.  It has moved now and I am sure the neighbors are upset because they loved to motor by and drool over the engine power on the back of the boat.

Aunt Pris and Uncle Ron by the food table: Arugula salad with garden fresh cherry tomatoes, cous cous, bbq lamb, mozzarella balls and garden fresh cherry tomatoes on skewers, cucumber, feta and lime salad.

A couple of days later the menu had some similarities: 

Vegies and dip and baba ganosh were leftovers but more picnic like with  Kielbasa, baked beans and Tuna pasta Salad.

Making Tuna Pasta Salad for 80 took some creativity as the pot was big enough but the colander was way too small and I had to cool the pasta quickly so it didn't over cook. My handy ice making machine came in handy so I just dumped as much as I could into the colandar and then threw all the ice I had into the pot. Crisis averted:-)!  And all had a great time - including Senator Carl Levin.